Thursday, October 29, 2009

Witch Of Endor

Saul was afraid of an impending attack by a mighty army of Philistines, who had joined by his rival, David. He gathered the Israelites and camped at Mount Gilboa. He sought advice from prophets and divination by sacred lot and from the Lord, but he received no answer as to his fate or the action he should take. Saul instructed his servants, "Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire to her." His servants directed him to the pythoness at Endor, whose name is never given.

Saul disguised went to the witch the same night. At first, she was frightened that he had come to expose her as a witch: "Behold, thou knowest what Saul has done, how he hath cut off those that have familar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die?"

Saul assured the woman he meant no harm and instructed her to conjure Samuel from the dead. She did as she was asked. She preformed her ritual. She told Saul that God was displeased with him for his disobedience and had torn his kingdom from his hands and given to David. The next day he would loose his sons and Israel would be given to the Philistines. When what she said came true, Saul took his sword and fell upon it.

Reginal Scot, the 16th century English writer attempted to debunk witchcraft said, the witch played out her incanttions, lied about seeing gods or angels and about seeing the spirit of old Samuel. He believed the witch was a ventriloquist, speaking in a counterfeit hollow voice.

Just who it may have been who thought the word "witch" in connection with the story of King Saul and the woman of Endor, is not known, but whoever it may have been, evidently he did not like psychics.

Extremely unfavorable overtones and undertones attached themselves to the the word "witch." It does not appear in the Bible account of event. The woman Saul consulted is merely described as a "woman," and she was a trance medium.

The word "witch" appears only once in the entire King James Version of the Bible, in a chapter far removed from the Saul story; and in this one case other versions use other terms. One gives it as "sorceress" and one even alters the sex and refers to it as "wizard."

Nowadays many prominent and highly respected persons of both sexes are reconized as psychic sensitives, such as mediums, clairvoyants, psychometrists, ect.

The correct description when speaking of King Saul's dilemma is "the medium of Endor.

Dictionary of Astrology authur-Dal Lee (c)1968Warner Books, Inc.
The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft-Author, Rosemary Ellen Guiley


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